Thursday, August 7, 2008

My First Post!

Alright, so Linda sucked me in and now I have a blog!! She even named it for me, she's very clever!

I'll start with a few random things have happened to me recently:

1. I'm in the process of starting to plan my wedding. I'm waiting to get the pricing from the place I'd like to have the reception. They have the 2008 pricing, but due to the fluctuating cost of everything from gas to lemons she doesn't have pricing for 2009 yet. Linda & I met with the lady (Mary Jo) and took a tour. Then several weeks went by and I didn't call her & she didn't call me. I was ok with this since I didn't actually know how much anything would cost yet. Apparently Linda was not ok with this. Here's how it goes, Linda: "Marie, did you call Mary Jo yet and ask her to pencil you in?", Marie: "No, not yet, but I'm not worried about it, she doesn't have much on the schedule for 2009." Linda: YELLING and FIST HITTING WALL (seriously), "WHY NOT, SOMEONE IS GOING TO TAKE YOUR DATE AND THEN WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!?!?" Marie: Slinking over the other side of the couch and curling up into the fetal position, "Ok, I'll call her first thing tomorrow." Apparently Mary Jo also heard Linda’s fist hitting the wall and she called me the next day and we penciled in October 3, 2009. Linda has since calmed down.

2. The Obama campaign called me! I'm not entirely sure why, but I think it's because I voted as a Democrat in the primary so I could vote for Hillary, per Rush Limbaugh's Operation Chaos directions. On Tuesday night the phone rings, I answer it, and some girl says "I'm calling from the Obama campaign, will you be voting for him?" I say, "God no!" and hang up the phone. Less than a minute later the phone rings again, I'm 99% sure it was the same girl and she says, "I'm calling from the Obama campaign, will you be voting for him?" So I say, "I think you already called me and by the way I'd vote for the devil before I'd vote for him." She says in the perkiest voice possible, "Ok, thank you for your time have a good night" and hangs up. At least she was polite...


Linda and Mark said...

Yeah! I love when I am in control and can pressure yet someone else into starting a blog. I must comment on my fist hitting the wall. Although it is very true, it's not like it left a hole or anything like that. Marie, I can't wait to continue planning your wedding with you! I am so happy that you liked cats and tatts as your blog name!

CB said...

Yeay! I am so excited that you have a blog, as you are one of the funniest people I know and always have such hilarious observations on things. I can just hear you telling that girl "God no!" when she asked if you were voting for Obama!

Anonymous said...

My baby is blogging...bwahahahahaha!!

So...we can do the 12 step program together. I hear the first internet addiction clinic has opened in Peoria! But with everyone we know blogging...who's going to do the intervention?

Alli said...

Well it's about time, Marie :P!! Do you think you and Linda could talk Denise/Mom into starting her own she can stop bugging me about how I run mine?!?! Lots of Luv!

Anonymous said...

Alli, Alli, Mom will never stop bugging you. She's your Mom, you're her's in the rule book! It's our job!

Marie's Mom