Ray & I bought a house in Parma!! Here's a picture of the outside. I'll post more pics once we close & get the keys (which should be in the next week or so). What a crazy process, buying a house. The paperwork alone is enough to make you say, "forget it, I'll go back and live with my mom"!!! And now you've got the government involved so it's twice as ridiculous! However, as much as I may not agree with it, I'll be happy to take my $8,000 in Obama money!
So I get home on Friday and after going into the bathroom I'm convinced that my husband may be trying to kill or at the very least seriously injure me. Here's a picture of my vanity, note the drill that is pointed right at eye level when one bends down to wash her face before bed. Seriously??? I'm so clumsy I could have easily lost sight in my right eye with that thing!! I guess the upside is the bottles of 409 and Goo Gone also left by the sink. Either he was cleaning up the mess he made with the drill or going to wipe up the blood after I hurt myself. (The real story is that Ray is painting all the wood work in the house & had to dismantle part of the bathroom window to paint it)
Here's the latest edition to our little family. As some of you know I had a black cat named Zen that we had to have put to sleep a few years ago. I was checking out some of the local shelter's websites and saw this guy. There's just something about a black cat. They look a little mysterious but he's the sweetest cat ever. We brought him home on New Year's eve and you would have thought he's lived here forever. He went around from person to person, jumping into their lap and just wanting to be loved & petted. We named him Toshi. In Japanese, Toshi loosely translates into "mirror image". We thought this was appropriate because he looks so much like Zen. He's also huge, weighing in at about 17 lbs.!!!