Linda & I went to Put in Bay on Friday. Before we left she asked me "What do you do on Put in Bay?" I said "I don't know, but there must be something to see or do." I suppose if you had a boat it would be far more interesting. If we would have stayed overnight and I could have drank my way up & down the Bay, that would have been good too! However, I think that you can actually get busted for DUI on a golf cart, so I wasn't taking any chances...
We got an insanely slow golf cart, but it was ok for a leisurely drive around the lake. Here's Linda in our cart...
Here's the lake (and some Loch Ness looking thing sticking up out of it)...
Then we went to a butterfly exhibit. You just walk into this little room and the butterflies are flying around all over the place. They will even land on you if you hold still. I thought it would be something interesting to do. Linda has a thing about birds, they freak her out and she's worried about getting her eyes pecked out. I didn't realized this also applied to butterflies. So we get in there, and they are right there in your face, and she looks like she's going to cry or wet her pants. It is a little strange at first but they are pretty non-threatening. Meanwhile, there were 2 year-olds running around and giggling, but she soon calmed down and we enjoyed the butterflies.
And then there were these butterflies... I had no idea, but they only have a life span of 2 weeks!! 2 weeks!! What a waste of prettiness for only 2 weeks. But I digress... I thought this one orange butterfly was hurt and his friend was trying to help him. Well, no, I was wrong, apparently this is butterfly mating...
These little yellow guys were going at it too...
Butterfly love, who knew...
Here's Calvin looking how I felt after we got home on Friday night:
As I've always said, Linda & I could have fun doing anything or nothing. There really is nothing to do on Put in Bay, but we had a great time!
Here's some of the bumper crop of raspberries we had recently:
Yummy, yummy!!
And here's some wedding cuteness:
My mom is working on my card box for the wedding reception. Soooo cute!!